sâmbătă, 11 iulie 2009

Who am I

I am the navigator of one twisted destiny, which is mine. I have been experimented upon by life itself, forced to outrun the raindrops every time it snowed.
I am an angel brought down by it's own pride. My fake heaven has fallen with me more than once. I love myself beyond anything else and I kissed the sky more than once.
I am a programmer, I program dreams. If you want to be one of my programs, stop it. You won't succeed.
I like chocolate and sweet musical flicks. I just love to play a guitar.
I am a violet blood football fan until the day that I'll die.
If you want to know me it will take you a considerable amount of time, so you'd better not bother.
I am fantasy and science-fiction.

I drink vodka like water. I live for the truth and I hope I will be never be forced to make any compromise. I love life.
I broke the law, more than once. Sometimes I was caught, sometimes almost caught, sometimes I just got away with it. I used to love the number 2 black. Ironically, my birthday is on a date of 2. I loved. I cheated.
I consider myself sensible. I like getting to the bottom of things, to feel their very essence. I like to model my own essence in order to become a better person every day. I love good, I challenge evil. I reach for the sky. I like balance, I like being balanced person. I am a fighter, I fight myself and everyone else. I don't have a heart, it was successfully ripped out my chest a long time ago.

3 comentarii:

misstik spunea...

Te-am iubit. Am înselat. ==> Frumos/ urât!
I like to model my own essence in order to become a better person every day.==> Felicităi!
I don't have a heart, it was successfully ripped out my chest a long time ago. ==> Deşi, în mod sigur ai utilizat expresia cu sens figurat, ţin să menţionez că toţi avem o inimă! Bine înţeles cu mici/mari diferenţe! Unii au inima sfărâmată, poate ipocrizia lumii de a nu recunoaşte e de vină,poate din cauza temerilor, viciilor, complexelor, poate din motivul răutăţii sau pur şi simplu din teama de a-şi exprima liber sentimentele! poate etc...

violet_alex spunea...

I don't have a heart, it was successfully ripped out my chest a long time ago ==> am utilizat expresia in sensul literal :D

misstik spunea...

Dua Alex, fără grijă, am înţeles!;))